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Tips For Spring Home Maintenance

drywall installation services

Consider performing some home maintenance tasks in spring to ensure your home is secure and safe. These small projects will keep your home safe from potential hazards. You can also get homeowners insurance from Travelers. This article will focus on the most important spring home-maintenance tasks. Continue reading to find out more. Also, make sure you check your roof or air conditioner. Finally, clean your gutters. We'll talk about how to check for leaks on your roof.

Preparing your home for spring

Spring is the best month to tackle basic home repairs and maintenance. Even if you neglected your home over the winter months, spring is the right time to finish all of your tasks before summer starts. Here are some tips for home maintenance in spring:

Check your air conditioner

You can do some maintenance on your air conditioner yourself or hire someone else to do it. If light cannot pass through your filter, you should check it every month and replace it. Use a garden hose to clean the fins on your outdoor unit. You can clean the fins with a soft brush. There's a chance that your outside unit has been sitting for months, and there may be some buildup.

house repair contractor

Clean your gutters

Spring is the perfect time to clean your gutters. They can not only hold water but also attract pests. These pests can spread disease to you and your family. If you leave debris for too long, they may sprout plants. A poorly maintained gutter system can cost you more to replace or repair. A good idea is to have your roof checked and cleaned annually.

Examine your roof

If your roof was neglected in the winter months, winter weather can cause significant damage. Spring is the perfect time to inspect your roof and catch any problems early, before they become major problems. You should check for cracks, leaks, and missing shingles, and a professional inspection can help you avoid having to spend money on costly repairs. Here are some tips to inspect your roof this spring:

Check your foundation walls

Check the foundation walls for cracks or deterioration before the summer foliage covers them. Look at exposed portions of the foundation, such as the foundation walls in the basement and garage. Cracks with wider or longer sections are indicative of damage due to freezing and thawing. Foundation cracks should not be attempted by homeowners. This spring home maintenance task should be performed by a professional.

Check your roof during spring storms

Georgia's spring storms can be unpredictable. In Georgia, the weather can be hot and dry one week, then turn to freak icestorms the next. This unpredictable weather makes it important to ensure your roof is safe during storms. These are some tips to help keep your roof safe.

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Examine your foundation vents

Springtime is a good time to inspect foundation vents, also known as weepholes. They allow air to circulate underneath your home and prevent excess moisture and mold growth. They also deter pests. Clean foundation vents thoroughly and remove any leaves or debris. Additionally, inspect foundation vent screens to make sure there are no holes. Rodents or other pests may be able to squeeze through the small cracks.


What is the hourly rate for a handyman?

A handyman can charge between $50-$75 an hour. Many have been doing this job for many years. On average, they work for around 10 hours. They are well-known in their community and don't have to advertise.

They have a tendency to be specialized and develop customer relationships over time.

Their key difference from other contractors is their quickness, reliability, and affordability.

Most people have at least two or three of these guys that they can trust enough to call for help when they need it.

Some people are so skilled that they run their own businesses.

Is it possible to have my faucets fixed by a handyman?

Although a handyman may be able to handle minor repairs, he will not have the necessary training to tackle major projects such as wiring a house or installing custom cabinets. There are many things a handyman could do for minor home improvements.

How long does it take for a handyman complete a project.

It depends on the size and complexity of the project. Smaller projects tend to take longer to complete, while larger ones usually take less time. However, no matter the project's size, a handyman usually finishes within one week.

What should I choose: hourly or per-project?

It all comes down to personal preference. Some people prefer to pay an hourly rate so that they know how much their handyman costs. Some prefer to pay per completed job, as they might be working on multiple projects simultaneously. Either way is fine.


  • Mila keeps a commission of 20% for each completed service performed by Friends and charges various service fees regarding work done by Pros. (appjobs.com)
  • A franchise was approximately $110,000 with a franchise fee of $14,900, according to a spokesperson for a national handyman franchise. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • Another estimate was that the market in the United States was $126 billion and was increasing by about 4% annually. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • More than 20% of homes in America have outdoor living spaces, including decks and patios. (mrhandyman.com)
  • “Once the pandemic hit, that number fell to about 20%.” (inquirer.com)

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How To

How to replace a broken window

It is one of the most commonly performed home improvements. Repairing damage to glass within your home is the task. This repair will take only 30 minutes. You could end up causing more damage to your house if you don't know the best way to replace a damaged pane. This article provides tips for how to replace broken windows.

First step: Remove the old glass from its frame

First, take out all the screws that are holding the glass in place. Next, remove the lock at the top of the lower section of your window frame. Next, move the window up slightly to remove it from the sill plate (the bar that runs below the floor). Finally, use a pry tool to carefully loosen the remaining screws until they pop out of their holes. Clean the panes thoroughly after they are taken out.

Second step: Clean and polish the new glass

Use a dry paper towel or cloth to remove any dirt from the glass. If debris is stuck under the glass, try cleaning it with a spray bottle filled with water and rubbing alcohol.

Third Step: Reinstall new glass

Reattach the window panes into the frames. Use a screwdriver to push the outermost edge of your pane down. Gently push back the pane into place in the opening. Then move to the next pane, pushing it firmly against the previous pane before reattaching it. Continue inserting the panes until the entire window is assembled. You can seal the gap between the panes with a silicone caulk gun.

Fourth Step: Repair the affected area

When installing the new glass, inspect the area around the hole to determine whether any additional repairs are needed. Two small pieces of wood should be placed along the edges of each hole if the crack is near the corner. These wooden blocks will give strength to the window and act as spacers between the glass and the weatherproofing material.

Fifth Step: Seal the repaired area

Apply silicone caulking around the edges of the frame after the glass has been replaced. This will create an excellent seal between the glass & the surrounding wallboard. You can purchase silicone caulking at hardware stores or online. It is important to match the color of the walls with silicone caulking.

Allow the caulking time to dry overnight. Once the caulking is fully set, don't disturb it. You may crack the caulking by not waiting long enough.



Tips For Spring Home Maintenance