Dr. Richard Book might be the best choice for you if you are searching for a La Junta physician. This family doctor has been practicing in Colorado since 1981. He works at two different locations, Arkansas Valley Family Practice and Lincoln Community Hospital. He received $2,896 in payments from medical companies between 2014 and 2018. You can also compare Dr. Book to other La Junta physicians to find the one who best fits your needs.
Family Medicine Specialist Dr. Richard Book
Dr. Richard Book in La Junta is a Family Medicine Specialist. He has over 31 years of experience and is highly rated in 14 medical conditions. Dr. Book accepts all major insurance plans and can also be reached by phone. MediFind strives for the best information available on insurance providers. View Dr. Book’s fee schedule and verify whether he accepts patients.
Dr. Richard Book, a family medicine specialist, is certified. He holds a rating of 3.8 and is able to accept most major insurance plans. His office accepts Medicare* and accepts patients with no co-payment. Online appointments can be made or you can call the office to confirm acceptance of your insurance. If you don’t have insurance, call your provider's offices to find out if they offer coverage.
He has received $2,896 in payments from medical companies
The Washington Post has published a new investigation revealing that Dr. Book has received $2,896 in payments from medical companies in recent years. This is the second major investigation in doctor payments. The Washington Post reported previously that Dr. Book had received payments of $2,896 from drug companies between 2013 - 2014. Washington Post reported that Dr. Book also received payments from 285 insurance companies in 2014. This is a record-breaking amount of money.

ProPublica tracks industry payments to physicians since 2010. Their interactive database Dollars for Docs allows you to search through 17 payments that were made between 2009-2013. Many companies were required by law to report such payments. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which mandated that drug and device companies report payments to doctors publicly, also made it mandatory for them to do so under the Affordable Care Act. There are many questions regarding the industry payments.
Can a handyman put in new fixtures or appliances for me?
These kinds of projects can be handled by a handyman. Make sure you know exactly what appliance or fixture you need to be installed beforehand.
Is it worth paying more for professional handyman service?
This will depend on the type and scope of your project. For complex projects, such as an office renovation or construction project, a professional handyman would be a great option.
Are there any requirements to be a handyman?
Most states don't require a license in order to be an independent contractor, as opposed to a salaried employee. However, you still must meet certain requirements:
Be at least 18 years old.
Get a diploma from high school or GED.
You will need to complete a four week course at a vocational college.
You must pass a background check at the Department of Licensing.
Register annually by paying $20
You will also require business licenses as well workers' compensation coverage.
What is the difference between a handyman and a carpenter?
You can hire a handyman to do a variety projects like plumbing, electrical installations, painting, drywall repair and cabinet making. Carpenters specialize in woodworking. They can build cabinets walls, doors windows, doors, stairs, decks roofs fences sheds, and many other things.
Can a handyman fix my leaking faucets
A handyman can probably handle minor repairs but will not have the training required to perform major projects, such as rewiring a house or installing custom cabinetry. There are many things a handyman could do for minor home improvements.
What are the top handyman repairs you can do?
Handymen can repair damaged roofs or windows, doors and gutters. Handymen can help with any home improvement or building project that is not possible for DIY homeowners.
What does the average handyman charge an hour?
A handyman can charge between $50-$75 an hour. They've been doing it for years. The average time they spend on any job is around 10 hours. They don't need to advertise; they are well known in the neighborhood.
They develop long-lasting customer relationships and specialize.
Their main advantage over other contractors is their speed, reliability, affordability, and cost-effectiveness.
Most people know at most 2-3 of these men and are able to trust them enough to call when they have a problem.
Some people are so talented that they own their own business.
- With a strong housing market, the handyman and general maintenance worker industry are expected to grow by nearly 10% in the next decade. (housecallpro.com)
- Another estimate was that the market in the United States was $126 billion and was increasing by about 4% annually. (en.wikipedia.org)
- According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in May 2020, there are 1,357,630 handymen employed in the U.S.. (angi.com)
- “Once the pandemic hit, that number fell to about 20%.” (inquirer.com)
- Mila keeps a commission of 20% for each completed service performed by Friends and charges various service fees regarding work done by Pros. (appjobs.com)
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How To
How to replace the doorknob
A combination of functional and decorative design would make the best replacement. An attractive door handle could replace a basic doorknob.
The important thing is to ensure that what you choose looks identical to the original.
A shiny brass knob might be too much if other shiny finishes are already around the house. If you don't have anything else, consider it!
It is possible to find a knob which matches the existing hardware but is not in keeping with the overall design of the home. This is a great option if you are renovating your kitchen cabinets or installing a new countertop in another area of the house.
If you want to stick with a traditional look, consider changing your knobs with matching handles.